Protecting Support for Catholic Education

Dear Hill-Murray Community,

It should not surprise you that my commitment to Catholic education has endured over time and is as strong as ever. The commitment to helping students use their God-given talents to find their passion, find their calling, is core to my beliefs about teaching and learning. Being part of a community that is proud to pass along values that are grounded in the teachings of Christ is such a gift. Hill-Murray is in a position of strength, and as always, my gratitude to each and every one of you is heartfelt.

I am writing to make you aware of an important issue related to how the state of Minnesota provides support to all students, including those who attend Catholic schools. Recently, Governor Walz released his proposed 2026 – 2027 budget recommendations. One of the notable items that would impact all Catholic Schools throughout the state was the elimination of the nonpublic pupil aid program (textbooks, counseling, health services) and nonpublic pupil transportation funding (busing). Hill-Murray School receives nearly $500,000 yearly in nonpublic student aid funded by MN state tax dollars that help underwrite our students’ textbooks, counseling, and health services. Some of  our families also utilize District 622 busing services to and from Hill-Murray, also funded by MN state tax dollars.

Please take a look at the information published by the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) and consider how you might help. While this is not a time to panic, it is a very serious issue. You will see that Matt Hughes is the contact person for the MCC on this issue. I am proud to say that Matt is a Hill-Murray parent who cares deeply about Catholic education and is skilled at creating win-win outcomes for complicated issues. He has graciously agreed to allow me to let you know that he would welcome your questions. You can reach him at or 651-227-8777.

Please understand that this issue goes beyond the Hill-Murray community. This issue is critical to all students, and all taxpayers for that matter, regardless of where the student attends. Though my particular vocation is to Catholic education, I firmly believe that all students, no matter where they attend, deserve excellence in education. Were these cuts to be implemented, it would negatively impact all students in the state of Minnesota. I am asking you to review the attached materials and consider how you might take action.

Please pray that wisdom and a spirit of service guide our elected officials.


Melissa Dan, Ed.S.
Hill-Murray School President