Happenings (December 10, 2024)
Is there someone in your circle who is interested in exploring various opportunities available at Hill-Murray School? If so, we would love for you to extend the invitation to attend our Winter Open House on Monday, January 13, 2025 starting at 6:00 PM. Potential families will get the chance to connect with Hill-Murray’s dedicated teachers, coaches, and school leaders. Click here to RSVP!
We appreciate your efforts in helping us spread the word about Hill-Murray School!
Hill-Murray NHS Toy Drive
The Hill-Murray National Honor Society is spreading holiday cheer with its annual Christmas Toy Drive! From December 4 – 20, we will be collecting new, unwrapped toys to benefit children in need this holiday season. Donations can be dropped off at the red sleigh located in front of the auditorium. All toys will be given to Toys for Tots, a program that brings holiday joy to children who might not otherwise receive gifts. NHS is excited to support this important cause and is grateful for the generosity of the Hill-Murray community.
For more details, please contact NHS President Santi Keefer at santiago.keefer@hmstudents.org.
All-School Pajama Day – Monday, Dec. 16
Monday, December 16th is pajama day for all grades. All pajamas must be neat, clean and modest. If you choose not to participate in the pajama day, you must be in a school uniform.
Winter Musical: Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical
Pioneer Premier Auction Sponsors

Become a sponsor and build a lasting legacy at Hill-Murray School by investing in the leaders of tomorrow! See the sponsorship link here for more information.
Don’t forget to follow @hm_auction on instagram for the latest updates!
Christmas at the Monastery – Dec. 7-14
Join the Sisters at St. Paul’s Monastery for Christmas at the Monastery, happening December 7–14!
This cherished holiday tradition is perfect for the whole family. Celebrate the season with festive music, delicious treats, and a warm sense of community spirit.
Click here for more details and participation information.
Click here to view the Silent Auction items.
Planned Absences Reminder
This is a friendly reminder regarding planned absences – a signed form is required for all planned absences longer than three days. Please see the policy, found in the Student Handbook, here:
To ensure a high-quality education, Hill-Murray School discourages students from planning to be absent on days that school is in session. Parents are urged to make every effort not to plan vacations or activities other than specified vacation times and school holidays listed on the school calendar. The completion of a Planned Absence Form is required for all absences longer than three days in length. This form is available in the Office of Student Life and must be submitted three school days before the absence. Each teacher’s signature is required to request that all credit will be given for work missed and must be approved by the Principal. Upon return, the student is responsible for coordinating with all teachers for homework assignments, tests, projects, and quizzes. Teachers are not responsible for providing work before the student leaves.
Senior Yearbook Photos
Seniors, it’s time to submit your senior pictures, baby photos, senior memories, and parent messages for the yearbook! Please submit everything HERE by the Friday, January 10th deadline.
If you have any questions, reach out to Kaylin Gruber at kaylin.gruber@hmstudents.org.
Middle School Christmas Party!
The Middle School Christmas Party is on Monday, December 16th from 2:45-5 PM. Join your classmates for cookie decorating, a hot cocoa bar, a Christmas movie, games, and crafts! This event is free and a favorite every year, so plan to attend for fun socializing and Christmas cheer!
Conflict Resolution Tips
Sixth graders are currently in a unit on conflict resolution in Pioneer Pathways. Here are some helpful tips for us all, from Guidance & Counseling intern Ms. Muntifering, who opened the unit for 6th graders with a lesson last week. Conflict is something everyone experiences, and it’s not always a bad thing. In fact, it can help us grow and improve, both as individuals and as a community. That’s why it’s important to have tools and skills to help us work through conflicts in a positive way.
1. Manage your Emotions: Emotions can be heightened in times of conflict, which can make it difficult to control your reactions. If you feel your emotions becoming harder to control, it is okay to take a break to calm down before starting to resolve anything. When individuals are calm, it makes productive conversation more likely.
2. Use “I” Statements: Blaming others in a conflict is not beneficial for anyone. It brings the focus less on resolution and more on defensiveness. Using “I” statements highlights how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. A good “I” statement can be broken down like “I feel __ because __ when ___ what I need is ___.” This type of statement focuses less on pointing fingers at others and more on yourself or what you are feeling.
3. Practice Active Listening: When you listen to someone, are you really hearing them? Active listening encourages you to be present in listening to what others are saying to you, showing them you are engaged with your body language or facial expressions. Some skills that help when practicing active listening are summarizing, paraphrasing, or questioning with curiosity; these show that you are 100% attentive to what they are saying. When we truly listen to others, it shows respect and in turn encourages them to do the same.
4. Problem-Solve Together: Find a solution that works for everyone; compromising and problem-solving together to find the best solution for all. Brainstorm ideas. Some won’t work, but some will emerge as more possible.
Curling Tournament
All Hill-Murray Fathers are invited to join the Fathers Club for an evening of curling!
Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: St. Paul Curling Club, 470 Selby Ave, St. Paul, MN 55102
Cost: $60 per person or $240 for a Foursome
Pre-event Appetizers
Time: 4:30 PM
Location: The Gnome, 498 Selby Ave, St. Paul, MN 55102
Please bring clean shoes to change into on the ice. You may sign up individually or with a team of four.
Please contact Mario Mariani for questions at mariokaymariani@msn.com.
We hope to see you there!
Silver Belle Ball – Thursday, Dec. 26
Thursday, December 26, 2024
InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront
$30 per person/$55 per couple
Purchase tickets by December 23rd
No registrations available at the door
The format of Silver Belle is formal attire, girls-ask-dates (no 9th grade girls or boys, please)
There will be a DJ, photo booth, light refreshments and coat check.
Parking is available for $5-$7 at the Capitol City or Victory Ramps
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets here by December 23rd
Questions: jennifer.verdeja@hotmail.com
Adoration – Jan. 10
One of the spiritual practices we celebrate at Hill-Murray is Adoration, which is held in the Hill-Murray Chapel during the school day typically on the first Friday of each month. Adoration is part of the rituals and traditions of the Catholic Church and is open to all members of the Christian faith. Adoration refers to the time when the Blessed Sacrament is placed on the altar and the faithful spend time with Jesus in the Chapel in quiet prayer and reflection. Our next day of Adoration is Friday, January 10th from 9:15 AM – 1:45 PM.
CLICK HERE to sign up for a time. We will start with Mass at 9:15 AM (finished by 9:45 AM).
Hill-Murray Sophomore Shines in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical
This holiday season, Hill-Murray sophomore George Wellens is bringing cheer to the stage in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical at Stages Theatre Company! This beloved TV classic comes to life with all the memorable characters, songs, and heartwarming moments fans adore.
George has been an integral part of the production, earning praise for his dedication and enthusiasm. Stages Theatre Company shares, “Audiences love coming back to see Rudolph at Stages, and we have George to thank for helping make this possible. He is so hardworking, fun, and dedicated to the art.”
Let’s show our support for George and enjoy this festive family tradition. Don’t miss the chance to see this holiday favorite live on stage! Click here to purchase tickets.
World Language Star Students for November
Click here to view the World Language Star Students for November.
Hill-Murray Baseball: 2025 Spring Training Camp
Hill-Murray Baseball is proud to offer a 4-week baseball camp for boys in grades 4-6 and 7-12. In our annual Spring Training Camp, players will receive training in Hitting and both Infield and Outfield Defense. This camp is designed to prepare athletes for the upcoming season through skill-development drills and high repetition. This camp is a great way to get ready for the upcoming season and will also give your student a chance to work directly with our Varsity coaching staff and players.
WHEN: SUNDAYS – (2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2)
Registration Forms available HERE.
Hill-Murray Baseball: Open Coaching Position
Freshman Baseball Coach – If interested, please contact Head Baseball Coach, Charlie Cicalello, at ccicalello@hill-murray.org.
Financial Assistance Application Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 15
The TADS Financial Aid Assessment Application (myTADS.com) is now open. When you apply you will be asked to submit information from your 2023 1040 as well as 2024 W2’s. Awards will be made as applications are completed.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 15th .
Please contact Colene Erickson in the Business Office at cerickson@hill-murray.org or (651) 748-2408 if you have any questions or concerns.
Now Accepting 2025-26 New Student Admission Applications
We are thrilled by the enthusiasm surrounding Hill-Murray School and have high expectations for another successful enrollment year come next fall. We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-26 academic year.
Hill-Murray offers Rolling Admissions. Once an application is complete (including the online application and transcripts), our Admissions Committee will review it and provide a decision within 7-10 business days. While there’s no official application deadline, we strongly encourage you not to wait! To maintain optimal class sizes for all students, we anticipate wait pools for the 2025-26 year. It’s an exciting time to be a Pioneer, and we appreciate you as a valued member of our community!
Please share this LINK with your friends, family and anyone who you think would be a great addition to the Hill-Murray family.
Contact Krissy Pohl at kpohl@hill-murray.org (Middle School) or Emily Sharockman at esharockman@hill-murray.org (High School) in Admissions with any questions.
*Please note, this is for NEW students interested in attending next fall.
Senior All Night Party Planning Meeting – Jan. 8
Attention Junior and Senior Parents:
The next Senior All Night Party Planning Meeting is coming up on Wednesday, January 8th. If you are interested in helping, please join us at the planning meeting.
When: Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Where: Hill-Murray Cafeteria
Please reach out to the Chairs with any questions at hmseniorparty@gmail.com.
Follow us on Instagram: @hmseniorallnightparty2025
Upcoming HM Mothers Club Events:
Relax. Reset. Retail: Friday, February 7th, 6:00 PM – Yoga and sound bowl experience, shop local retail vendors, Hill-Murray School – TNC
Monastery Valentine’s Event: Friday, February 14th, 11:30 AM
Sourdough Bread Making: Saturday, March 1st, 10:00 AM, Hill-Murray Commons
Father Daughter Dance – Save the Date
Please save the date for the 2025 Annual Hill-Murray Father Daughter Dance!
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Vadnais Heights Commons (655 East Country Rd F, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127)
- Social Hour: 5:30 – 7:00 PM
- Buffet Dinner: 7:00 PM
- Dance: 8:00 – 10:00 PM
$140 per couple, $60 for each additional daughters. Grandfathers, uncles, or a family friend are welcome!
Invitation to follow.
Seeking STEM Professionals for Student Internships & Job Shadows
Parents and alumni, do you work in graphic design, engineering, technology, or other STEM related fields? We are seeking partners for internship or job shadow opportunities for high school students. Our students have hands-on experience in coding, engineering, 3D fabrication, graphic design, and Adobe design tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Many of our students already have experience with doing design work in school with business owners from the community. They are excited to learn more from professionals like you and are eager to see how their skills apply in real-world settings.
We are interested in exploring a variety of potential partnerships. Student can be available for one to two hours per day, two to three times per week for internships. Other possibilities include job-shadow programs or even one-time site visits or facilities tours. We also welcome professionals who would be willing to speak to our students here on campus. These experiences are invaluable in helping our students explore career paths and gain practical skills. If interested, please reach out to Aran Glancy at aglancy@hill-murray.org. Thank you for supporting our students’ journeys!
Girls Hockey Season Pass
Attention Girls Hockey Fans: The 2024-25 Girls Hockey Season Pass is available for purchase! This $60 pass is for admission to all regular season games at Polar Arena. It is not valid for playoffs. Once purchased, the pass can be added to your phone wallet for easy access at the gate.
Visit the Hill-Murray website or click here to purchase.
Hill-Murray students have free admission to regular season home games with a valid Hill-Murray ID.
Tickets to individual games will still be available online or at the gate. Adult admission is $8/game and seniors/students are $5/game.
Please contact Sarah Turner with any questions at sturner@hill-murray.org.
Boys Hockey Season Pass
Attention Boys Hockey fans: The Boys Hockey 2024-25 Season Pass is available for purchase on-line. The $100 pass includes admission to all regular season home games at Aldrich Arena. Once purchased, the pass can be added to your phone wallet for easy access at the gate.
Visit the Hill-Murray website or click here to purchase.
Hill-Murray students have free admission to regular season home games with a valid Hill-Murray ID.
Tickets to individual games will still be available online or at the gate. Adult admission is $8/game and seniors/students are $5/game.
Please reach out to Sarah Turner at sturner@hill-murray.org with any questions.