December 16, 2024

A huge congratulations to the cast and Crew of Matilda as they closed their production yesterday. 

These awesome students had over 1,500 audience members over their 7 performances, and all did an amazing job! 


The Theatre department is holding auditions for our  MSHSL One Act Competition this coming Wednesday after school. Check out the email from Ms. Walth sent on Sunday evening for more information. 


Tomorrow evening, our Music Department is presenting our Christmas Celebration concert featuring all of our Musical Ensembles. The Concert is Free and here at school.  We invite you to come and hear some amazing Holiday music! The concert starts at 6:00 pm.


The Craft Club is meeting this Thursday during WIN A to make a fun Christmas craft for the sisters at the Monastery!  We will provide all of the supplies! Please sign up with Ms.Bourget for WIN A Thursday! 


“Not to be confused with the Hill-Murray Track Team…this is for anyone interested in the Hill-Murray TRAP Team.  There will be a short informational meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the HM Cafeteria.  This meeting is not for returning students but for New Students and their Parents only.  If you have interest in the 2025 spring season we will see you Monday night”.


Attention Pioneers,

This is a friendly reminder that all schedule change requests for second semester must be made prior to the end of the day on Friday, December 20.  Please remember that an email from a parent will be required and schedule changes requested after the deadline will not be considered.




Hi Pioneers! NHS’s annual toy drive is underway! We are excited to announce that the donations will be going to The Toy Shelf, Inc. in North St Paul instead of Toys for Tots. The Toy Shelf is a local non-profit organization that provides toys to children in need within our community.

We encourage everyone to bring in new, unwrapped toys to support this wonderful cause. Your donations will help brighten the holidays for children right here in our area! Thank you for your generosity! 



Brighton: hello pioneers! I’m Brighton Robertson 

Ella: And I’m Ella Cahill and guess what today is! The day we have all been waiting for!!


Ella: It will be right after school from 2:45-5:00pm

Brighton: It will take place in the staff lounge and Nicholas center.

Ella: There will be cookie decorating, a Christmas movie, and a hot cocoa bar.

Brighton: Guess what there will even be games and prizes!

Ella: we hope to see you there!



Hi, it’s Caylin and Austyn. We are doing an anti-vaping campaign for HOSA. Join us for our Clear the Air Campaign Kickoff!

Austyn: We’ll be giving a quick presentation on the effects of vaping, introducing our vape-free pledge, and playing a fun Kahoot game with prizes up for grabs!
Caylin: Let’s make this season all about fresh starts and healthier choices. See you there! Sign up for Ms. Lauby’s win B tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th. 



This is your student councilman Eddie G here to wish everyone a happy pajama day, we are excited to see all of you in your pajamas, and the people in the best pajamas, as voted on by students will win a 10-dollar Chick-fil-A gift card, one for the best middle schooler, high schooler, and staff member. A Google for will be sent out for voting on Tuesday and the winners will be announced end of the day Tuesday. Also, at lunch there will be free hot cocoa available. Hope to see you there.



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 13, 2024


Loving God, at the first Christmas Your angel announced, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” Thank You for the peace Your Son Jesus promised, not as the world gives, but rather deep, lasting, and abiding peace. During this second week of Advent, we pray for peace in our hearts and in our world. 


There is Mass today in the Chapel during WIN A – it’s not too late to sign up.  You can sign up under Mr Benner or Father John. 


Hey Freshmen, every year Link Leaders Host an Event called Cocoa and Cram. 

We offer Hot chocolate and Cookies in the Commons during WIN A and B next Tuesday, Dec. 17th! It is a great way to come together as friends, study for all the finals you have and work on those group projects! If you would like to attend, please sign up for MS. Fandrich’s WIN A or B! There will be prizes and a drawing for multiple gift cards for all those who attend! See you on Tuesday!


Looking for something to do with friends this weekend? Come and see one of our performances of Matilda. 

Shoes are tonight  and tomorrow at 7 and Sunday at 2.

It is MSHSL one act time. 

We will be holding auditions for our One Act competition production of MidSummers Night Dream next Week Wednesday after school. This is for students in grades 9-12.

Look for an email from Ms Walth today with more specific information. 


Do you like computer programming? Hill-Murray is entered in a coding competition sponsored by Lockhead Martin. This speed coding competition will put your skills to the test. If you are up for the challenge, sign up for Mr. Gapinski’s WIN on Friday.




Marissa: Hi Pioneers! My name’s Marissa

Veda: And my name is Veda!

Marissa: We’re here to tell you about the Middle School Christmas Party!

Veda: It’s on Monday, the 16th at 2:45 to 5pm, in the staff lounge

Marissa: Cookie decorating, Hot coco, a Christmas movie, games, and prizes.

Veda: And it’s free!

Marissa + Veda: Hope to see you there!



Hey pioneers! Student council member Sophia P here to announce that pajama day is next week on Monday the 16th. We will also be serving hot chocolate during lunch that day and giving out prizes for the best pajama participation. So wear your cozy clothes as we finish up finals and transition into winter break!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 12, 2024

Today is the Feast Day of  Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Our Lady of Guadalupe is Mary the mother of Jesus.  She appeared to Juan Diego just outside Mexico City in the year 1531.  When Juan Diego told the Bishop about his encounter with Mary, the Bishop didn’t believe him so Mary provided him with a cloak full of roses as proof.  Our Lady of Guadalupe is a sign of life and hope and we call special attention to this feast day because it is such an important part of Mexican-American culture and tradition.  


Good Morning- This morning we are hosting about 300 student guests in the auditorium for our performance of Matilda. 

This means that from 8:15 to 11 am, the hallways around the choir room and auditorium will be closed to through traffic.

If you are an instrumentalist heading to win or class please use the hallway by the TNC and Cafeteria to get to the Band room.  If you have a locker behind the auditorium we would love you to grab anything you need from there right now, as you will not be able to get to your locker until after 11 am. 

During Passing times please be as quiet as you can when walking by the auditorium,

Thank you so much! 


Hey Freshmen, every year Link Leaders Host an Event called Cocoa and Cram. 

We offer Hot chocolate and Cookies in the Commons during WIN A and B next Tuesday, Dec. 17th! It is a great way to come together as friends, study for all the finals you have and work on those group projects! If you would like to attend, please sign up for MS. Fandrich’s WIN A or B! There will be prizes and a drawing for multiple gift cards for all those who attend! See you on Tuesday!


Do you like computer programming? Hill-Murray is entered in a coding competition sponsored by Lockhead Martin. This speed coding competition will put your skills to the test. If you are up for the challenge, sign up for Mr. Gapinski’s WIN on Friday.




Hi Pioneers! One of my favorite childhood holiday memories is when I received a guinea pig for Christmas. When my dad walked in with her, I thought she was a toy, but then she moved her head and my sister started screaming with joy! It was one of the best surprises I’ve ever gotten, and still remains my favorite Christmas gift to date.

While you can’t bring live animals for the toy drive, you can still make a big difference! You are encouraged to bring new, unwrapped donations such as toys, games, craft kits, and books. Donations can be dropped off in the sleigh outside the auditorium.

Let’s make this holiday season brighter for others—thanks for your generosity, and have a wonderful day!


This is a friendly reminder that on Wednesday late start mornings: All students are asked to stay in the cafeteria or commons area until 8:30 AM.  Please do not enter the academic wing until then. Thank you for your attention to this! 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 11, 2024

We are honored to welcome over 25 future Pioneers today to our campus! We have students here today to tour our Middle School and our high school! When you see our guests, whether in classes, in the halls, or in lunch, please be sure to say hello and welcome them to our community! 

To our guest students: it is our honor to welcome you today! We hope you enjoy the opportunity to be a Pioneer for the day, as you join your host student in experiencing all things awesome about being a member of the Hill-Murray community! 


Do you like computer programming? Hill-Murray is entered in a coding competition sponsored by Lockhead Martin. This speed coding competition will put your skills to the test. If you are up for the challenge, sign up for Mr. Gapinski’s WIN on Friday.


Hey pioneers! Christmas is right around the corner, so HM Students for Change is looking for people who want to make cards to give to the Union Gospel Mission during wins A and B THIS THURSDAY!  This is why we will also have letters to legislators that you can sign that encourage them to increase funding for shelters so that they can expand their capacity. This is an opportunity to earn service credit and share some Christmas spirit with those in need! See you there!  




“Hi Pioneers! This the Environmental Health Club. We have a service opportunity this Wednesday during high school break. We will be making Christmas Cards for the sisters at the monastery. This will count for a service credit, and it’s an excellent opportunity for us to help others. There will be some supplies provided, but please try to bring your own- the more, the better! The location hasn’t been finalized yet, but we should be meeting in the conference room. Please email Abby H with any questions, thank you!”



hi my name is Eva 

And my name is Peyton

and we are a part of the middle school student council. 

We are inviting all middle school students to the middle school Christmas party.

This will be on Monday December 16th from 2:45 till 5 pm in the staff lounge

There will be cookie decorating, a Christmas movie, a hot cocoa bar, and games with prizes!!

And guess what!? It’s free!!!

Hope to see you there!



Hey, it’s Logan and John, Senior Peer Ministers, and we’re here to tell you that…Holy Moly 10 Minutes for your Souly is Happening TODAY in the Chapel during High School Break–10:10-10:20. 

Today, we are leading this prayer experience. We will discuss Peace, the theme of the second week of Advent. So grab a friend and head to the chapel during the break—it’s just 10 minutes to fill your Souly!! 



Good morning Pioneers! This is the Student Council here to remind you that we get welcome in our last week before Christmas break with a cozy Pajama Day on Monday, December 16. There will be a competition for who has the best pajamas. There will be 4 winners who will each receive a prize. 

I look forward to seeing your best PJ’s on Monday! Thank you and have a great day!



Good morning, pioneers; this is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. This week I want to talk about ways to turn down the volume of your intrusive thoughts. Here are five ways that I would highly recommend: exercise, legos, lists, minor tasks with major satisfaction, and talking to a friend. If this idea sounds like something you want to try, but don’t like any of these suggestions, I would recommend the book Soundtracks by Jon Acuff to you! He has lots of suggestions on how to tune out your intrusive thoughts. Thank you, and have a wonderful Wednesday.



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 10, 2024

The Hill-Murray Foundation team wishes to thank the following students for sharing their time at the President’s Dinner on Saturday night: Julia M, Hannah H, Mary P, Jack M, Cormac M, Jack C, Jackson E, and Uriel G. The guests love seeing the students and we all appreciate their help with making the event run smoothly. Way to go, Pios!


Not to be confused with the Hill-Murray Track Team…this is for anyone interested in the Hill-Murray TRAP Team.  There will be a short informational meeting on Monday December 16th at 6:30pm in the HM Cafeteria.  This meeting is not for returning students but for New Students and their Parents only.  If you have interest in the 2025 spring season we will see you Monday night.


The next meeting of the Middle School Math team will be during MS WIN on Wednesday. Sign up for Dr. Glancy’s WIN. All are welcome.


Hey pioneers! Christmas is right around the corner, so HM Students for Change is looking for people who want to make cards to give to Union Gospel mission during wins A and B THIS THURSDAY!  Did you know that 33% of people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota are not in a formal shelter)? This is why we will also have letters to legislators that you can sign that encourage them to increase funding for shelters so that they can expand their capacity. This is an opportunity to earn service credit and share some Christmas spirit with those in need! See you there!  




Hey Pioneers this is Claire M and this is your ministry minute! Today we are giving a shout out to the different amazing volunteer opportunities that are offered at Children’s Hospital! There are so many ways you can get involved and serve others through volunteering at Children’s Hospital. They offer opportunities here where you are directly interacting with kids in different ways whether it’s as a greeter, a surgery escort, talking with families in the waiting room, or interacting with kids through different fun activities they offer there. This can be reading with kids, musical activities, working in the nursery, working the activities and amenities carts, babysitting siblings and patients in the child life zone, and so much more. All of these opportunities are a great way to engage with and serve kids who are experiencing health issues and help brighten their day! If you like working with kids or are maybe even interested in a medical career in your later future, then this is for you. It’s a great way to connect with others and help the kids there at the hospital along with their families. Have a great day Pioneers! 



Good morning Pioneers! This is Sophia S, a senior captain of the girl’s lacrosse team. I am here to invite all girls in grades 7-12 interested in playing lacrosse this spring to our preseason informational meeting on Tuesday, December 10th during WIN B in the LMC. We will be discussing information about Captains’ Practices and other pre-season opportunities. You won’t want to miss it! You can sign up under Mr. Goulet. I am excited to see everyone there! Thank you and have a great day.


Hi pioneers! My favorite childhood Christmas toy had to be a lava barf eruptor Skylander, which I got from my aunt. I remember going home later that night and playing Skylanders, which was my favorite game to play. It showed me that although we may have different forms, we’re all the same character because lava barf eruptor is a series 3 version of the same eruptor.

This year, I will donate a toy to the NHS Christmas toy drive to pass on the joy I had at seven. I encourage everyone to rekindle their childhood memories and consider bringing in a new and unwrapped toy donation to the sleigh in front of the auditorium. Thanks, and have a great day.


“Hi Pioneers! We have a service opportunity this Wednesday during high school break. We will be making Christmas Cards for the sisters at the monastery. This will count for a service credit, and it’s an excellent opportunity for us to help others. There will be some supplies provided, but please try to bring your own- the more, the better! The location hasn’t been finalized yet, but we should be meeting in the conference room. Please email Abby Haldorson with any questions, thank you!”



Students: please take a few minutes to sign up for both WIN sessions today. There was an error in the system that did not show any wins for Dec 10 but it has since been fixed. 

This is also a friendly reminder that you need to be signed up for WINS by 9:10 AM on the day of, to avoid a detention. 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 9, 2024

Good morning pioneers, today we celebrate the immaculate conception where we honor Mary, who was born without sin. As we come together today with Father John, to celebrate mass, we asked that you continue to create a prayerful environment in your gym. You will be sitting with your first hour class. So teachers, please show the seating chart so everyone remembers where their special spot is located.

I will be calling you down to mass, so please be aware towards the end of class when I come on the announcements! 


Hey pioneers! Christmas is right around the corner, so HM Students for Change is looking for people who want to make cards to give to Union gospel mission during wins A and B THIS THURSDAY!  Did you know that Older adults (age 55+) were the only age group that saw an increase over 2018 (7%)? We will also have letters to legislators that you can sign that encourage them to further support those impacted by poverty and homelessness. This is an opportunity to earn service credit and share some Christmas spirit with those in need! See you there!  


Congratulations to the PioNerds robotics club who competed over the weekend at the Maple Grove qualification event .  The team was part of the 4th seeded alliance, were finalists for the 3D printing award, finalists for the innovation award and were the winners of the motivate award.  Great job team, you represented Hill-Murray very well!


The next meeting of the Middle School Math team will be during MS WIN on Wednesday. Sign up for Dr. Glancy’s WIN. All are welcome.


The next meeting of the aquaponics club will be Tuesday during WIN A. All are welcome. Sign up for Dr. Glancy’s WIN.


Attention Pioneers,

This is a friendly reminder that all schedule change requests for second semester must be made prior to the end of the day on Friday, December 20.  Please remember that an email from a parent will be required and schedule changes requested after the deadline will not be considered.


Good morning! Today we are celebrating Mass for the Immaculate Conception. We do not have Connections today so I will ask your first period teachers to allow you a few minutes today to go in and choose WINS for the entire week! Remember, it’s always best to choose a WIN for every session for the week. You can always change your mind later. You must be signed up for a win by 9:10 the day of, so that you don’t get detention. Teachers, thank you for allowing students some time this morning to sign up for the WINS this week! 




C&A: It’s Carter and Angela from your middle school student council

A: We are here to tell you about our Middle school Christmas party!!!!!

C: The party is Monday, December 16 from 2:45-5:00 pm.

A: There will be cookie decorating

C: A Christmas movie

A: A Hot Cocoa bar!

C: Games & Prizes

C&A: This is a free event! Hope to see you there!



In the United States, 19% of children may not receive a Christmas gift due to financial constraints. NHS hosts the annual christmas toy drive to help provide christmas presents to children who otherwise may not receive any. Starting today, you can bring unwrapped new toy donations to the sleigh by the auditorium. The toy drive will end on December 20th, and donations will go to Toys for Tots. Thanks and have a great day!


Good morning Pioneers! This is Sophia Sampson, a senior captain of the girl’s lacrosse team. I am here to invite all girls in grades 7-12 interested in playing lacrosse this spring to our preseason informational meeting on Tuesday, December 10th during WIN B in the LMC. We will be discussing information about Captains’ Practices and other pre-season opportunities. You won’t want to miss it! You can sign up under Mr. Goulet. I am excited to see everyone there! Thank you and have a great day.



“Are you interested in learning about obedience during the holidays and serving others? If so, join the faithful impact group WIN A on thursday for our first guest speaker, Sophia Roskoski!” 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 6, 2024

Just a reminder that there is Mass with Father John in the Chapel today during WIN A – it’s not too late to sign up.  Also, Adoration is right after Mass until 11;45pm tomorrow. All are welcome. 


Please see the email sent out by Mrs. Trembley this morning for voting for your favorite ugly Christmas sweater! Voting closes at 2:15pm and winners will be announced at 2:35 today!


Break a leg to our Cast and Crew of Matilda the Musical on their opening night tonight!!!

Reminder that  All HM students get in FREE with your student ID Shows run this weekend and next weekend. Don’t miss out on this incredible show – it’s full of fun, music, and magic! Grab your friends and come support these hard-working students!


Attention Pioneers,

This is a friendly reminder that all schedule change requests for second semester must be made prior to the end of the day on Friday, December 20.  Please remember that an email from a parent will be required and schedule changes requested after the deadline will not be considered.


Are you interested in a career in speech pathology or want to learn more about it? Join HOSA in the LMC today during WIN B, for our first guest speaker of the year. Suzanne Mackley will be here to discuss the schooling required to become a speech pathologist, her typical day, and will even have you perform a test she uses to help you to better understand therapy options she provides for her patients. This is not a HOSA exclusive event–anyone interested is welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!


Join the French club today during WIN A, in room 118, to watch the French movie, “Loup Garou,” about a family that gets trapped in a game of Werewolf. We will watch the movie in three parts over the next 3 weeks. Sign up with Mr. Kolb.




Good Morning Pioneers, this is Lexi W and I wanted the Giving Tree this year to be for Union Gospel Mission. I went there on my Junior Retreat and saw the needs that we as a community could help fill. Therefore, it would be awesome if you could grab a tag off the giving tree in the Cafeteria, go shopping, and then bring it back down to Campus Ministry and give it to Mr. Deziel or Ms. Fandrich. All the donations will be helping those less fortunate during this holiday season! The last day to bring in your items will be Thursday, December 18th! Thanks Pioneers! 



Student #1: Hey, have you found a Christmas gift for your Grandma yet?

Student #2:  No . . .   I don’t know what to get her.  

Student #1: Well, did you know that the Hill-Murray Winter Art Fair is happening TONIGHT and this weekend, and that you can buy original creative artwork made by Hill-Murray students?  I’ll bet you can find a beautiful art print for your Grandma!  

Student #2: Oh, what a great idea!  What kind of prints can I get?

Student #1: All kinds!  You could get a Christmas themed print, prints of flowers or landscapes, or even a really awesome print of David Bowie!

Student #2: YES!  My grandma adores David Bowie!!  When and where is the art fair again?

Student #1: I am glad you asked!  The art fair will be in the main lobby outside the theater, and it runs from 6-9pm on tonight, 5-9pm on Saturday, and 1-4pm on Sunday.  It’s happening at the same times as the production of Matilda this weekend.

Student #2: You know what, I’ll buy a ticket to see Matilda, AND I’ll buy an art print for my Grandma!  Thank you so much, you have the best ideas!

Student #1: I know.

Both:  Hope to see you all there!



We will have our next Aviation Club meeting TODAY  in Mrs. Babich’s room, 033 During WIN A. We will be having a mini lesson on aerodynamics and having a competition for best paper airplane- prizes for the one that travels the farthest as well as hang time. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to take your passion for aviation and space to new heights!

See you there! 



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack.