January 8, 2025

Bonjour Pioneers! Next week is French week! Keep your ears peeled for French prayer over the announcements. We will also be doing French trivia, where you will have a chance to win a fabulous prize. Be sure to wear your French Club T-shirt on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, French Club will be hosting a Crêpe Fête during WIN A!  Hope to see you there!


This is from the Senior All Night Party Planning Committee

Any and all parents are welcome to come help plan the Senior All Night Party. The committee will be meeting today Wednesday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. in the Hill-Murray cafeteria. 


SENIORS! You have four days to get your senior yearbook photos in, your senior memories, and your baby photos! If you do not send a photo in by this FRIDAY your SlowRoad photo will be used. 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 




Good morning Pioneers, this is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. I hope you all had a safe, fun, and restful winter break. Over break, as you all know, we celebrated the New Year, and many set new year’s resolutions. This week, I want to reiterate that goal setting does not have to be all-or-nothing. If you miss a day, or aren’t perfect with your goals, that’s okay. Showing up, and trying your best is better than not showing up at all. Just stick with it, and remember that something is better than nothing. Thank you Pioneers, and have a wonderful Wednesday.


High School Ladies – this is for you so listen up!

Life can be tough, especially when things don’t go the way we want them to. 

Imagine learning ways to handle these challenges and become stronger, more resilient, and empowered to get through whatever life throws at you. 

Helping people build the emotional resilience necessary to truly enjoy life is what Friday’s speaker, Kate Gladdin, focuses on in her motivational presentations around the world.

Please join GLOW on Friday during WIN A & B in the auditorium to learn from Kate. Her message will inspire you!

Opportunities like this don’t come around very often. When they do, go for it. 

Also, treats will be provided!!

Sign up under Mrs. Schwartzbauer’s WIN A&B Friday!



HOLY MOLY TEN MINUTES FOR YOUR SOULY happening in the Chapel today during High School Break–10:10-10:20! 

This is a great time to take a moment of reflection and prayer during your busy day! Today, Mr. Deziel and Ms. Fandrich have planned something great! So bring a friend, and we will see you in the Chapel. 



This is a friendly UNIFORM check! If you aren’t in uniform, it’s usually fixable, so please stop by the office of student life to fix it! 

  1. Your top is a HM green or black short sleeve or long sleeve polo OR an HM quarter zip/ sweatshirt/hoodie with hood down.
  2. If you’re wearing a T shirt underneath: it is black, white, or green
  3. You aren’t wearing a long sleeve top under a short sleeve polo
  4. You’re wearing black shorts, a HM black skort, or black joggers/ pants. You’re not wearing sweat pants, yoga pants, jeans, or cargo pants. Your shorts/ pants don’t have stripes or large logos.
  5. You’re not wearing a jacket or coat: Those need to be in lockers! 
  6. Your socks are black, white, or gray
  7. Your shoes are closed-toe low, mid, or high tops. No sandals, crocks, slides, uggs, boots, flip flops, slippers
  8. Boys are clean-shaven.

Thank you for doing your best to show up in uniform every day!


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 7, 2025

SENIORS! You have four days to get your senior yearbook photos in, your senior memories, and your baby photos! If you do not send a photo in by this FRIDAY your SlowRoad photo will be used. 


Attention HOSA members attending the Mid-Winter Conference. This is a quick reminder that you need to be fully dressed in your competitive attire and in the Commons by 7:20am tomorrow. Remember to bring a lunch, work to do when you are not competing, and your competition materials. Good luck!


Attention all Middle School Students- 

After the great success of the play Puffs last year, we are thrilled to announce auditions for the Middle School play The Hobbit are this week after school Wednesday and Thursday.

Check your school email for information from Ms. Walth about audition information. 

This is a fun production with plenty of characters such as trolls, dwarves, goblins, Elves, a dragon, and, of course, a Hobbit!

Please email Ms. Walth if you have any questions!


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions.




Hey pioneers, this is student council member Abby L. Freshman, this is a reminder that today is the last day for you to submit your student council application. The form is due tomorrow morning before school. You should’ve received an email before break from Ella B with this form. Later applications are not accepted so get it done today! Thanks and have a good day! 



Attention all High School Girls!

We want to invite you to a very special event that is being held during WIN A and B this coming Friday, January 10. Motivational speaker Kate Gladdin will be coming to Hill Murray to speak to all high school girls. 

Kate is one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence (yes, she’s from the Land Down Under!) and an international keynote speaker who truly understands life’s struggles and wants to share her message of empowerment and resilience. She is incredible and her message will inspire and uplift you and your friends. 

Please sign up with Mrs. Schwartzbauer for Friday, January 10, BOTH WIN A & B. This event is sponsored by  GLOW (Girls Leading our World). You won’t want to miss this!

Have a wonderful week!



Good morning Pioneers! Can you believe we have 9 more days this Semester?? 

I am here this morning to share a reminder to our High School Students about your Service Requirement for Graduation. You are required to record two service experiences that you had from MAY 1st to MAY 1st. So anything you did this past Summer, this past Fall, or anything this winter into Spring would count for this year’s requirement. All High School Students should be in the Google Service Classroom, and have a tracker. Please record on the tracker, write your 3 sentence reflection, and then turn it in like an assignment, so Ms. Fandrich can see it. I will return it to you once I have looked at it, so please do not wait to turn it in until MAY. If you have any questions, please stop down in Campus Ministry! 

The requirement is 2–One General Service and one Poor and Vulnerable. However, the more the merrier—service awards start at 20 experiences! 

This is a special reminder for our Juniors applying to NHS–your service requirement is 15 Experiences or 30 hours! All service must be submitted on Google Classroom by Next Friday, January 17th, in order to count towards your acceptance into NHS! Thanks! 



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 6, 2025

Students who are part of the Certificate in Benedictine Formation are asked to check your email. Dr Skinner sent you information about next week’s meeting. 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 


This announcement is for all DECA members who will be competing at the district competition this Friday. There is a mandatory meeting in the auditorium during WIN B today – please sign up for Mrs. Donnelly’s WIN. Important information regarding Friday’s DECA competition will be provided – see you there!


Attention all Middle School Students- 

After the great success of the play Puffs last year, we are thrilled to announce auditions for the Middle School play The Hobbit are this week after school Wednesday and Thursday.

Check your school email for information from Ms. Walth about audition information. 

This is a fun production with plenty of characters such as trolls, dwarves, goblins, Elves, a dragon, and, of course, a Hobbit!

Please email Ms. Walth if you have any questions!




Hey Freshman! This is your reminder that your student council applications have to be submitted by this Wednesday, January 8th. An email with a google form was sent by Ella B before we went on break. Late applications will not be accepted so make sure you fill it out by Wednesday. Have a great day! 



Attention all High School Girls!

We want to invite you to a very special event that is being held during WIN A and B this coming Friday, January 10. Motivational speaker Kate Gladdin will be coming to Hill Murray to speak to all high school girls. 

Kate is one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence (yes, she’s from the Land Down Under!) and an international keynote speaker who truly understands life’s struggles and wants to share her message of empowerment and resilience. She is incredible and her message will inspire and uplift you and your friends. 

Please sign up with Mrs. Schwartzbauer for Friday, January 10, BOTH WIN A & B. This event is sponsored by  GLOW (Girls Leading our World). You won’t want to miss this!

Have a wonderful week!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 20, 2024

Good morning Pioneers, happy Friday, and happy last day before break! As we come together to celebrate mass this morning, let us think about season of advent coming to a close but also let us join together with a joyful celebration as Christmas is just around the corner! We will be celebrating mass this morning together as a community with our second hour class. I asked teachers to show the seating chart to your class for their specific location, and to wait until your class is called down towards the end on period 2. See you soon!  


French Club’s 2025 T-shirt just dropped. The theme is Crêpe Fête. Click the link in the announcements email to see the design and order your very own. Cost is $14 billed to TADS. 


Hi Pioneers! NHS’s annual toy drive is almost over! We are excited to announce that the donations will be going to The Toy Shelf, Inc. in North St Paul instead of Toys for Tots. The Toy Shelf is a local non-profit organization that provides toys to children in need within our community.

We encourage everyone to bring in new, unwrapped toys to support this wonderful cause. Your donations will help brighten the holidays for children right here in our area! Thank you for your generosity! 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. The test will be administered throughout 4 different WIN times the week of January 13. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 




Hey, Freshman. Now’s your chance to apply to be on Student Council. Forms should have been sent out by Ella B. The application is due on January 8th, which is the Wednesday we get back from break. Late applications will not be accepted, so make sure you have them in by January 8th. Have a great day! 



Hey Pios, my name is Molly and I am a junior. I have some exciting news to share with you all. In collaboration with peer ministry, I have started a faith-based podcast. My main goal was to take teen struggles, stuff that everyone goes through, and connect them to God and his message. I wanted to help myself and others grow closer to god. The Pio Prayer podcast Episode One is up on Spotify so go give it a listen if you want. The link to the listen will be in the announcement email that Mrs. Trembley sent out. And stay tuned for more episodes, Roll Pios!



Attention all High School Girls!

We want to invite you to a very special event that is being held during WIN A/B on Friday, January 10. Motivational speaker Kate G will be coming to Hill Murray to speak to all high school girls. 

Kate has become one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence (yes, she’s from the Land Down Under!) and an international keynote speaker who truly understands life’s struggles and wants to share her message of empowerment and resilience. She is incredible and her message will inspire and uplift you and your friends. 

Please sign up with Mrs. Schwartzbauer for Friday, January 10, WIN A & B. This event is sponsored by  GLOW (Girls Leading our World). You won’t want to miss this!

Have a wonderful holiday break!



Students: it is very important that you NOT let people in the school if you do not know them! Our Director of Security witnessed a situation this week where a man who was not a parent or in any way connected to our school, approached the Commons doors in the morning and a student let him into the building. Our Director of Security was able to quickly intervene and assist the man, who was simply looking for a restroom to use. Of course we pride ourselves on our welcoming community but security is critically important to maintain the safety of our community at all times. If someone is asked to be let into the building, please direct the person to the main entrance. Thanks for your attention to this. 


Students! Please check the LOST AND FOUND this week! There are a lot of water bottles, hoodies, etc that need to be claimed! Thank you for your attention to this. 


This announcement is for Mr. Nelson’s 1st, 5th, and 7th period classes – immediately after Mass, go up to the classroom so he can tell you goodbye and give you a little treat. Please do this quickly so that you can make it to your next class on time. 

Mr. Nelson’s  Honors Intermediate Algebra students may leave lunch 4 minutes early to go do the same. He will meet you in his classroom. 

On a personal note, thank you to Mr. Nelson for being an amazing long term sub for our Math Department! Please thank him if you see him today! 

Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

Students: IMPORTANT YONDR info! Don’t forget that today when you leave you should unlock your Yondr, take your phone out, and then lock it back up. Put your Yondr in the bottom of your backpack so it will be there, waiting for you, on Monday, January 6!  

December 18, 2024

French Club’s 2025 T-shirt just dropped. The theme is Crêpe Fête. Click the link in the announcements email to see the design and order your very own. Cost is $14 billed to TADS. 


This is a reminder that all Giving Tree items should be dropped off in Campus Ministry by the end of Lunch on Thursday! All items are going to Union Gospel Mission! Thank you to all who have donated already–we have such a generous community! 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. The test will be administered throughout 4 different WIN times the week of January 13. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 


Join Spanish Club on Thursday for pupusas! Pupusas are kind of like tortillas with meat and cheese in the middle. We will try our hand at making them and of course we’ll eat them as well. Sign up with Dr. Obernolte and join us in room 118. ¡Hasta jueves!


The Craft Club is meeting this Thursday during WIN A to make a fun Christmas craft for the sisters at the Monastery!  We will provide all of the supplies! Please sign up with Ms.Bourget for WIN A Thursday! 



Good morning pioneers, this is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. This week, in honor of Christmas, I want to talk about the value of patience in waiting. Whether it is patiently waiting for Christmas to open those gifts under the tree, or waiting for winter break to come, there is value in the wait. Lean into the anticipation, instead of despising the wait, and you will see you will be much better for it. Thank you, and have a wonderful wednesday.



Hey, it’s Mya and Skylar, Senior Peer Ministers, and we’re here to tell you that…Holy Moly 10 Minutes for your Souly is Happening TODAY in the Chapel during High School Break–10:10-10:20. 

This week can be stressful for people, so our prayer experience is about letting go of the stress and leaning into Prayer. So grab a friend and head to the chapel during the break—it’s just 10 minutes to fill your Souly!! 



Hi pioneers! My name is Kaden W, and my favorite Christmas toy was a star wars lego set. I loved how the smallest of pieces could come together to make something really cool.

This year, I will donate a toy to the NHS Christmas toy drive to pass on the joy I had as a kid. I encourage everyone to rekindle their childhood memories and consider bringing in a new and unwrapped toy donation to the sleigh in front of the auditorium. Donations will go to The Toy Shelf in North St Paul. Thanks, and have a great day.



Hey Pioneers! Student council member Julia Montgomery is here to announce that applications to student council for freshmen are now available. You should have gotten an email with the form to apply yesterday from Ella Bergstrom. All applications are due by January 8th.



Students: it is very important that you NOT let people in the school if you do not know them! Our Director of Security witnessed a situation this week where a man who was not a parent or in any way connected to our school, approached the Commons doors in the morning and a student let him into the building. Our Director of Security was able to quickly intervene and assist the man, who was simply looking for a restroom to use. Of course we pride ourselves on our welcoming community but security is critically important to maintain the safety of our community at all times. If someone is asked to be let into the building, please direct the person to the main entrance. Thanks for your attention to this. 

Students! Please check the LOST AND FOUND this week! There are a lot of water bottles, hoodies, etc that need to be claimed! Thank you for your attention to this. 

We are BACK IN UNIFORM for the rest of this week. Please make sure you aren’t wearing sweat pants or yoga pants, jackets, or long sleeved items under short sleeved polos. Gentlemen, please be sure you are clean shaven. If you aren’t able to meet our uniform criteria, it is usually fixable! Please stop down to the Office of Student Life to fix it! 

On Friday we are celebrating an early Christmas Mass! Although we are in uniform, we are going to try to make it a green and/ or whiteout, so if you have any spirit wear tops that are green or white, please plan to wear those on FRIDAY!! 

Huge congratulations to these amazing musical groups who performed so well at last night’s Christmas concert! 

The Middle School Jazz Band, the Middle School Band and Trailblazers, the Middle School Orchestra, the Cresendo Choir, The Silverwinds Flute Choir, The High School Jazz Band, The Pioneer Performers, the Symphonic Wind and Percussion Ensemble, The Vivace Choir, and the Pioneer Orchestra! Thank you for sharing your beautiful talents with all of the families, students, faculty, and staff who attended your concert! 

Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 17, 2024

The Theatre department is holding auditions for our Minnesota State High School League One Act Competition this coming Wednesday after school. Our one-act play is A Midsummer Night’s Dream this year!  Check out the email from Ms. Walth for more information. The sign-up sheet is located on the call board across from the choir room.


Tonight is the Christmas Celebration Concert here in our auditorium starting at 6 pm. This is a free concert and a great way to get into the Christmas Spirit.  


This is a reminder that all giving tree items need to be given to Campus Ministry before LUNCH on Thursday, Dec. 19th~ We will be dropping them off at Union Gospel after lunch! Thanks for your Generosity!


The Craft Club is meeting this Thursday during WIN A to make a fun Christmas craft for the sisters at the Monastery!  We will provide all of the supplies! Please sign up with Ms.Bourget for WIN A Thursday! 


Join Spanish Club on Thursday for pupusas! Pupusas are kind of like tortillas with meat and cheese in the middle. We will try our hand at making them and of course we’ll eat them as well. Sign up with Dr. Obernolte and join us in room 118. ¡Hasta jueves!


Hi Pioneers! This message is on behalf of the Student Council. There will be a Google form sent out later this morning with pictures to vote for your favorite pajamas from yesterday! The form will close at 2:15pm and results will be announced at the end of the day! Thank you to all who participated!



Hey Pioneers, Caylin B, Junior Peer Minister here with your Ministry Minute. Doing Service is something that can be fun during the Holiday season with Family and Friends!  It is also something that should continue throughout the year! On the Google Service Classroom, we have so many wonderful opportunities to help out! We have Boy’s Basketball Concession Volunteers that are needed. We also have an opportunity to help out after school at North Metro Flex, an elementary school in North St. Paul, Play Bingo with residents at an Assisted Living Center, or participate in the Polar Plunge, these are all on the Service Google Classroom and you can always talk or email Ms. Fandrich about these service opportunities!~ Remember to submit your service on the tracker, and turn it in—so Ms. Fandrich can see it. Just a reminder to NHS applicants, your service is due by Friday, Jan. 17th to count towards acceptance! 



Hi, it’s Caylin and Austyn. We are doing an anti-vaping campaign for HOSA. Join us for our Clear the Air Campaign Kickoff!

Austyn: We’ll be giving a quick presentation on the effects of vaping, introducing our vape-free pledge, and playing a fun Kahoot game with prizes up for grabs!
Caylin: Let’s make this season all about fresh starts and healthier choices. See you there! Sign up for Ms. Lauby’s win B.



Hi pioneers! My name is Kaden W, and my favorite Christmas toy was a star wars lego set. I loved how the smallest of pieces could come together to make something really cool.

This year, I will donate a toy to the NHS Christmas toy drive to pass on the joy I had as a kid. I encourage everyone to rekindle their childhood memories and consider bringing in a new and unwrapped toy donation to the sleigh in front of the auditorium. Donations will go to The Toy Shelf in North St Paul. Thanks, and have a great day.



Students! Please check the LOST AND FOUND this week! There are a lot of water bottles, hoodies, etc that need to be claimed! Thank you for your attention to this. 


This is a friendly reminder that on Wednesday late start mornings: All students are asked to stay in the cafeteria or commons area until 8:30 AM.  Please do not enter the academic wing until then. Thank you for your attention to this! 


We are BACK IN UNIFORM for the rest of this week. Please make sure you aren’t wearing sweat pants or yoga pants, jackets, or long sleeved items under short sleeved polos. Gentlemen, please be sure you are clean shaven. If you aren’t able to meet our uniform criteria, it is usually fixable! Please stop down to the Office of Student Life to fix it! 


On Friday we are celebrating an early Christmas Mass! Although we are in uniform, we are going to try to make it a green and/ or whiteout, so if you have any spirit wear tops that are green or white, please plan to wear those on FRIDAY!! 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

December 16, 2024

A huge congratulations to the cast and Crew of Matilda as they closed their production yesterday. 

These awesome students had over 1,500 audience members over their 7 performances, and all did an amazing job! 


The Theatre department is holding auditions for our  MSHSL One Act Competition this coming Wednesday after school. Check out the email from Ms. Walth sent on Sunday evening for more information. 


Tomorrow evening, our Music Department is presenting our Christmas Celebration concert featuring all of our Musical Ensembles. The Concert is Free and here at school.  We invite you to come and hear some amazing Holiday music! The concert starts at 6:00 pm.


The Craft Club is meeting this Thursday during WIN A to make a fun Christmas craft for the sisters at the Monastery!  We will provide all of the supplies! Please sign up with Ms.Bourget for WIN A Thursday! 


“Not to be confused with the Hill-Murray Track Team…this is for anyone interested in the Hill-Murray TRAP Team.  There will be a short informational meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the HM Cafeteria.  This meeting is not for returning students but for New Students and their Parents only.  If you have interest in the 2025 spring season we will see you Monday night”.


Attention Pioneers,

This is a friendly reminder that all schedule change requests for second semester must be made prior to the end of the day on Friday, December 20.  Please remember that an email from a parent will be required and schedule changes requested after the deadline will not be considered.




Hi Pioneers! NHS’s annual toy drive is underway! We are excited to announce that the donations will be going to The Toy Shelf, Inc. in North St Paul instead of Toys for Tots. The Toy Shelf is a local non-profit organization that provides toys to children in need within our community.

We encourage everyone to bring in new, unwrapped toys to support this wonderful cause. Your donations will help brighten the holidays for children right here in our area! Thank you for your generosity! 



Brighton: hello pioneers! I’m Brighton Robertson 

Ella: And I’m Ella Cahill and guess what today is! The day we have all been waiting for!!


Ella: It will be right after school from 2:45-5:00pm

Brighton: It will take place in the staff lounge and Nicholas center.

Ella: There will be cookie decorating, a Christmas movie, and a hot cocoa bar.

Brighton: Guess what there will even be games and prizes!

Ella: we hope to see you there!



Hi, it’s Caylin and Austyn. We are doing an anti-vaping campaign for HOSA. Join us for our Clear the Air Campaign Kickoff!

Austyn: We’ll be giving a quick presentation on the effects of vaping, introducing our vape-free pledge, and playing a fun Kahoot game with prizes up for grabs!
Caylin: Let’s make this season all about fresh starts and healthier choices. See you there! Sign up for Ms. Lauby’s win B tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th. 



This is your student councilman Eddie G here to wish everyone a happy pajama day, we are excited to see all of you in your pajamas, and the people in the best pajamas, as voted on by students will win a 10-dollar Chick-fil-A gift card, one for the best middle schooler, high schooler, and staff member. A Google for will be sent out for voting on Tuesday and the winners will be announced end of the day Tuesday. Also, at lunch there will be free hot cocoa available. Hope to see you there.



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack.