January 16, 2025

Prayer: Talia B 

Je regarde le monde 

Où brille le soleil, 

Brillent les étoiles ; 

Où les pierres reposent 

Les plantes vives croissent 

Bêtes sensibles vivent, 

Où l’homme doué d’âme 

Donn’ asile à l’esprit. 

Je regarde aussi l’âme 

Qui vit dedans mon être. 

Dieu l’esprit irradie 

Et le soleil et l’âme

Dehors, le vaste monde, 

Dedans, le fond de l’âme. 

Vers toi, esprit de Dieu 

Je me tourne et demande 

Que la force et la grâce 

D’apprendre et travailler 

Grandissent en mon être

Trivia: Nichole B and Larkin C

Salut tout le monde! Check the announcements email for the French Trivia Google Form for your chance to win a fabulous gift card! 

And here is today’s French Trivia question: “Which river flows through Paris?” Submit your answer by 2:40 today. Bonne chance!


Join craft club today during WIN A for a very chill 30 minutes of crafting!  Sign up with Ms. Bourget for WIN A!  All are welcome! 




“Hi Pioneers! This is the Environmental Health Club. We have a guest speaker, Jodi Gruhn, coming to speak to us about agriculture’s role in climate change today during WIN A and B. The presentation will talk more in-depth about how we can implement climate-friendly foods into our daily lives to improve our health and the world. We will be meeting in room 052. So make sure to sign up for Mrs. Gist’s WIN, and please email Abby Haldorson with any questions; thank you!”



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 15, 2025

Prayer: Kate R and Elly R

Le Seigneur est bon pour moi. 

Je le remercie encore, 

De m’avoir donné les choses que j’ai:

Le soleil, la pluie, et le pépin de pomme.

Le Seigneur est bon pour moi,

Le pépin de pomme.


Trivia: Nichole B and Larkin C

Salut tout le monde! Check the announcements email for the French Trivia Google Form for your chance to win a fabulous gift card!

And here is today’s French Trivia Question: “France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, is part of which political party?” Submit your answer by 2:40 today. Bonne chance!


Attention Baseball Players in Grades 7-12,

The Pre-Season Parent/Player Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 2 (6pm) in the Cafeteria.  This meeting will cover important information regarding the upcoming season and attendance is required.  

Also – Sunday Open Gym is now available  – please be sure to check the 2025 Calendar on the H-M Baseball website for specific times.  If you have any questions, please see Coach Cicalello.


This announcement is for all DECA members who qualified for the state competition. There will be a meeting during WIN A in the auditorium tomorrow – that’s Thursday WIN A. At the meeting state registration packets will be available and next steps will be discussed. Be sure to sign up for Mrs. Donnelly’s WIN A.


Craft Club is meeting tomorrow during Win A. Bring a craft or come learn how to knit, crochet, or try other crafts! Sign up with Ms Bourget for WIN A Thursday. All grades are welcome! 


This is a reminder to all HS Student Council members, there is not a meeting tomorrow, please remember to sign up for a different WIN.




Good morning Pioneers, this is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. I just want to take a moment to talk about the importance of talking about your mental health. The first few (okay maybe several) conversations are going to be awkward. However, the important thing is to move past the awkwardness, and share your experiences. You are never alone, but that is easy to forget when you suffer in silence. Please be brave and speak up, as I would always rather listen to your story than face the alternative, and the more people talk about it, the easier it will get. Thank you and have a wonderful wednesday!



Hey, it’s Adriana and Ellen, Senior Peer Ministers, and we’re here to tell you that…Holy Moly 10 Minutes for your Souly is Happening TODAY in the Chapel during High School Break–10:10-10:20. 

This week can be stressful for people, so our prayer experience is a reflection of where we saw God this past Semester.  So grab a friend and head to the chapel during the break—it’s just 10 minutes to fill your Souly!! 



“Hi Pioneers! This is Lexi W with the Environmental Health Club. We have a guest speaker, Jodi Gruhn, coming to speak to us about agriculture’s role in climate change this Thursday, January 16th, during WIN A and B. The presentation will talk more in-depth about how we can implement climate-friendly foods into our daily lives to improve our health and the world. So make sure to sign up for Mrs. Gist’s WIN and please email Abby Haldorson with any questions, thank you!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 14, 2025

Prayer: Keeley W

Je vous salue, Marie, pleine de grâces, le Seigneur est avec vous; vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes, et Jésus le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pécheurs, maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort. Amen.

Announcement: Molly C

Bonjour Pioneers! We can’t wait to see your French Club T-shirts today. See you at the Crêpe Fête during WIN A! 

Trivia: Nichole B and Larkin C

Salut tout le monde! Check the announcements email for the French Trivia Google Form. If you get today’s trivia question correct, your name will go into a drawing for a fabulous gift card. There will be one middle school winner and one high school winner each day this week.

And here is today’s French Trivia Question: “France, including its overseas territories, is in how many different time zones?” Submit your answer on the Google form in your email by 2:40 today. Bonne chance!


There will be an informational meeting for girls golf on TODAY during WIN A in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in attending, sign up for Mr. Mathre’s WIN A. 


Hello, art clubbers! 

Come join us in Mr. Dahl’s WIN A in room 205 TODAY to take our yearbook photo for Art club! Today we will also begin working on our Women’s History Month mural. Hope to see you there!


Last week was an incredibly busy week in our Activities Department.  We want to say congratulations to our Mock Trial team, HOSA chapter, and DECA chapter who all competed and represented Hill-Murray incredibly well.  Great job Pioneers!!


Thanks to all CONNECTIONS teams for participating in the scavenger hunt! It was fun to see how involved the teams were! 

We have winners to announce!  The first 2 Middle School Connections teams to win were: Mr. Morissen and Mr. Garvey. 

The first two High School Connections teams to win were: Mr. Goetzke and Mr. Misenor. 

Thanks everyone, for taking time out of your morning to build community and have fun! 


Everyone is invited to sign up for Mass in the Chapel with Father John this Friday during WIN A – you can sign up under Mr Benner’s name. 


This is a reminder that on late start days, all students are required to remain in the cafeteria/commons area until 8:30 AM. There are no exceptions, and students are not permitted to hang out in other spaces during this time. Please make sure to follow this guideline and stay in the designated area until 8:30. Thank you for your cooperation!




Hi Pioneers! This is Abby with the Environmental Health Club. We have a guest speaker, Jodi Gruhn, coming to speak to us about agriculture’s role in climate change this Thursday, January 16th, during WIN A and B. The presentation will talk more in-depth about how we can implement climate-friendly foods into our daily lives to improve our health and the world. So make sure to sign up for Mrs. Gist’s WIN and please email Abby Haldorson with any questions, thank you!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 13, 2025

Prayer: Eveny M

Seigneur, Faites de moi un instrument de votre


Où il y a la haine, que je mette l’amour

Où il y a l’offense, que je mette le pardon

Où il y a la discorde, que je mette l’union

Où il y a l’erreur, que je mette la vérité

Où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi

Où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l’espérance

Où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette la lumière

Où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.

Announcement: Molly C

Bonjour Pioneers, this week is French week! French students will be leading us in morning prayer and we will have Trivia questions each day this week. Tomorrow, wear your French Club T-shirt and join French Club for the Crêpe Fête during WIN A. Hope to see you there!

Trivia: Nichole B and Larkin C

Salut tout le monde! Check the announcements email for the French Trivia Google Form. If you get today’s trivia question correct, your name will go into a drawing for a fabulous gift card. There will be one middle school winner and one high school winner each day this week.

And here is today’s French Trivia Question: “Which famous French cathedral just reopened on December 7th, 2024?” Submit your answer by 2:40 today. Bonne chance! 


There will be an informational meeting for girls golf on Tuesday, Jan 14 during WIN A in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in attending, sign up for Mr. Mathre’s WIN A. 



The Commons/Cafe closed today/Monday after school as we prepare for our Winter Open House. 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 10, 2025

Peer Minister Jack F will lead this prayer

Let us remember that we are in the Holy Presence of God.

In the Name of the Father +, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Loving God, we beg You to send Your love among us today. Through the mystery of Your Son’s departing from heaven and joining His divinity to our fallen humanity, may we better understand Your complete and perfect love for us. Humbly and confidently, we ask You today for the help we need to live without fear in Your love and to follow our Lord’s words that “greater love has no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.” For if we love one another, we know that You abide in us. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

St. John Baptiste de la Salle… pray for us!

Sts. Benedict and Scholastica… pray for us!

Live Jesus in our hearts… forever!

In the Name of the Father +, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


It’s not too late to sign up for WIN A Mass today in the Chapel with Father John Utecht. You can sign up under Mr Benner’s name – all are welcome.  Also, Adoration is from 9:45-12:45, High School students you can sign up for WIN B adoration under Mr Benner, or feel free to stop in during your Pioneer Period or lunch.  Middle School students feel free to stop in during lunch. 


There will be an informational meeting for girls golf on Tuesday, Jan 14 during WIN A in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in attending, sign up for Mr. Mathre’s WIN A.


Attention Pioneers,

As we finish up semester one, please be sure to look at your second semester schedule as changes have been made.  These changes primarily include room assignment and will take place the first day of second semester (Wednesday, January 22).


Bonjour Pioneers! Next week is French week! Keep your ears peeled for French prayer over the announcements. We will also be doing French trivia, where you will have a chance to win a fabulous prize. Be sure to wear your French Club T-shirt on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, French Club will be hosting a Crêpe Fête during WIN A!  Hope to see you there!


SENIORS! Today is the day to get your senior yearbook photos in, your senior memories, and your baby photos! If you do not send a photo in by TODAY, your SlowRoad photo will be used.

Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 9, 2025

We ask for a special prayer intention this morning as today is a national day of mourning for former president Jimmy Carter, who is being laid to rest today. 


There will be an informational meeting for girls golf on Tuesday, Jan 14 during WIN A in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in attending, sign up for Mr. Mathre’s WIN A. 


Attention Pioneers,

As we finish up semester one, please be sure to look at your second semester schedule as changes have been made.  These changes primarily include room assignment and will take place the first day of second semester (Wednesday, January 22).


Bonjour Pioneers! Next week is French week! Keep your ears peeled for French prayer over the announcements. We will also be doing French trivia, where you will have a chance to win a fabulous prize. Be sure to wear your French Club T-shirt on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, French Club will be hosting a Crêpe Fête during WIN A!  Hope to see you there!


SENIORS! You have four days to get your senior yearbook photos in, your senior memories, and your baby photos! If you do not send a photo in by this FRIDAY your SlowRoad photo will be used. 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117, 126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 


It’s not too late to sign up for WIN A Mass tomorrow in the Chapel with Father John Utecht. You can sign up under Father John’s name or Mr Benners name – all are welcome.  Also, Adoration is tomorrow from 9:45-12:45, High School students you can sign up for WIN B adoration under Mr Benner, or feel free to stop in during your Pioneer Period or lunch. 




High School Ladies – this is for you so listen up!

Life can be tough, especially when things don’t go the way we want them to. 

Imagine learning ways to handle these challenges and become stronger, more resilient, and empowered to get through whatever life throws at you. 

Helping people build the emotional resilience necessary to truly enjoy life is what Friday’s speaker, Kate Gladdin, focuses on in her motivational presentations around the world.

Please join GLOW on Friday during WIN A & B in the auditorium to learn from Kate. Her message will inspire you!

Opportunities like this don’t come around very often. When they do, go for it. 

Also, treats will be provided!!

Sign up under Mrs. Schwartzbauer’s WIN A&B Friday!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 8, 2025

Bonjour Pioneers! Next week is French week! Keep your ears peeled for French prayer over the announcements. We will also be doing French trivia, where you will have a chance to win a fabulous prize. Be sure to wear your French Club T-shirt on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, French Club will be hosting a Crêpe Fête during WIN A!  Hope to see you there!


This is from the Senior All Night Party Planning Committee

Any and all parents are welcome to come help plan the Senior All Night Party. The committee will be meeting today Wednesday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. in the Hill-Murray cafeteria. 


SENIORS! You have four days to get your senior yearbook photos in, your senior memories, and your baby photos! If you do not send a photo in by this FRIDAY your SlowRoad photo will be used. 


Attention all Freshmen: If you would like to take the honors world history placement test please stop by either room 117,126, or 127 to get the reading. You can annotate the reading and are able to use it while taking the test. Sign up for an available WIN time next week to take the test. For more information please see Mr. Faust, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Misenor, or Mr. Schwartz with questions. 




Good morning Pioneers, this is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. I hope you all had a safe, fun, and restful winter break. Over break, as you all know, we celebrated the New Year, and many set new year’s resolutions. This week, I want to reiterate that goal setting does not have to be all-or-nothing. If you miss a day, or aren’t perfect with your goals, that’s okay. Showing up, and trying your best is better than not showing up at all. Just stick with it, and remember that something is better than nothing. Thank you Pioneers, and have a wonderful Wednesday.


High School Ladies – this is for you so listen up!

Life can be tough, especially when things don’t go the way we want them to. 

Imagine learning ways to handle these challenges and become stronger, more resilient, and empowered to get through whatever life throws at you. 

Helping people build the emotional resilience necessary to truly enjoy life is what Friday’s speaker, Kate Gladdin, focuses on in her motivational presentations around the world.

Please join GLOW on Friday during WIN A & B in the auditorium to learn from Kate. Her message will inspire you!

Opportunities like this don’t come around very often. When they do, go for it. 

Also, treats will be provided!!

Sign up under Mrs. Schwartzbauer’s WIN A&B Friday!



HOLY MOLY TEN MINUTES FOR YOUR SOULY happening in the Chapel today during High School Break–10:10-10:20! 

This is a great time to take a moment of reflection and prayer during your busy day! Today, Mr. Deziel and Ms. Fandrich have planned something great! So bring a friend, and we will see you in the Chapel. 



This is a friendly UNIFORM check! If you aren’t in uniform, it’s usually fixable, so please stop by the office of student life to fix it! 

  1. Your top is a HM green or black short sleeve or long sleeve polo OR an HM quarter zip/ sweatshirt/hoodie with hood down.
  2. If you’re wearing a T shirt underneath: it is black, white, or green
  3. You aren’t wearing a long sleeve top under a short sleeve polo
  4. You’re wearing black shorts, a HM black skort, or black joggers/ pants. You’re not wearing sweat pants, yoga pants, jeans, or cargo pants. Your shorts/ pants don’t have stripes or large logos.
  5. You’re not wearing a jacket or coat: Those need to be in lockers! 
  6. Your socks are black, white, or gray
  7. Your shoes are closed-toe low, mid, or high tops. No sandals, crocks, slides, uggs, boots, flip flops, slippers
  8. Boys are clean-shaven.

Thank you for doing your best to show up in uniform every day!


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack.