January 16, 2025
Prayer: Talia B
Je regarde le monde
Où brille le soleil,
Brillent les étoiles ;
Où les pierres reposent
Les plantes vives croissent
Bêtes sensibles vivent,
Où l’homme doué d’âme
Donn’ asile à l’esprit.
Je regarde aussi l’âme
Qui vit dedans mon être.
Dieu l’esprit irradie
Et le soleil et l’âme
Dehors, le vaste monde,
Dedans, le fond de l’âme.
Vers toi, esprit de Dieu
Je me tourne et demande
Que la force et la grâce
D’apprendre et travailler
Grandissent en mon être
Trivia: Nichole B and Larkin C
Salut tout le monde! Check the announcements email for the French Trivia Google Form for your chance to win a fabulous gift card!
And here is today’s French Trivia question: “Which river flows through Paris?” Submit your answer by 2:40 today. Bonne chance!
Join craft club today during WIN A for a very chill 30 minutes of crafting! Sign up with Ms. Bourget for WIN A! All are welcome!
“Hi Pioneers! This is the Environmental Health Club. We have a guest speaker, Jodi Gruhn, coming to speak to us about agriculture’s role in climate change today during WIN A and B. The presentation will talk more in-depth about how we can implement climate-friendly foods into our daily lives to improve our health and the world. We will be meeting in room 052. So make sure to sign up for Mrs. Gist’s WIN, and please email Abby Haldorson with any questions; thank you!”
Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack.