January 29, 2025

“Attention all 7-12 grade students! Do you like to run far (or short), jump high (or far), or show off your strength by throwing something heavy? Do you want to stay in shape for your other sports? Come to the track and field student information meeting on Tuesday, February 11th in the auditorium immediately after school. All new and returning athletes are asked to attend. See Ms. Rodriguez in room 117 if you are interested but cannot make the meeting.”


Attention Baseball Players in Grades 7-12,

The Pre-Season Parent/Player Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 2 (6pm) in the Cafeteria.  This meeting will cover important information regarding the upcoming season and attendance is required.  If you have any questions, please see Coach Cicalello.


Attention everyone interested in playing Softball this Spring. There is a player/parent meeting Tuesday February 11th at 6 PM in the cafeteria. If you cannot attend please see coach Beyel in room 122. 


All students in grades 6-11 are reminded that course selection forms are due by Friday, January 31 and should be turned in at the Guidance & Counseling Center. 

Completed forms include all necessary teacher signatures, as well as student and parent signatures. 




Good morning Pioneers, this is Sophia S here with your wellness Wednesday. Today I am going to encourage you to ditch your all or nothing mindset in favor of one that will increase your mental health and productivity! Thinking in terms of all or nothing can be very harmful to your mental health, and often push you towards the nothing side of action since everything can be quite overwhelming. The challenge this week is to be okay if only doing something is all you can do, instead of doing everything. Walking for 15 minutes instead of an hour, drinking 1 glass of water instead of 3, putting on a clean pair of clothes instead of staying in the same ones, whatever it may be. Just try to celebrate the little victories this week, and watch your mental health slowly improve. Thank you and have a wonderful Wednesday.



Hey, it’s Kaden and Uriel, Senior Peer Ministers, and we’re here to tell you that…Holy Moly 10 Minutes for your Souly is Happening TODAY in the Chapel during High School Break–10:10-10:20. 

This week is Catholic Schools Week, so our prayer experience is a reflection of the many blessings in our lives.  So grab a friend and head to the chapel during the break—it’s just 10 minutes to fill your Souly!! 



Here is the Trivia question today for Catholic Schools

Week. Who is the Patron Saint for protection against lightning strikes?

Each day students will be sent a Google Form with a Trivia

question. Answer the question correctly before 10:30 am and your name

will be entered into a pool to win a gift card. Congratulations to yesterday’s


Reese C for high school and Norah W for

middle school.


The Catholic Schools Week Medallion was found yesterday by hunters Zach F and Charlotte T. It was tucked behind a poster on the CARE bulletin board outside the Nurse’s office.  Much like the clue said yesterday, the Medallion is tricky and has already slid into a new hiding spot.  There are a new set of clues starting today – and it looks like the medallion is writing its own clues!  Good luck hunters. 

New Clue #1

You Pioneers are clever, you found me so fast.

So bundle up – it’s chilly – this hunt may not last. 



Today we have a lot of future Pioneer guests in the building! Please be sure to say hello when you meet them in classes or at lunch. They are excited to see what makes the Hill-Murray Pioneer community so great! 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 28, 2025

Please sign up for Mr. Buesing’s WIN A or WIN B today if you want to be on the 2025-26 Yearbook staff. Mr. Buesing will only be signing forms during these WINS. If this does not work for you please work something out with him on your own time this week. 


Attention everyone interested in playing Softball this Spring. There is a player/parent meeting Tuesday February 11th at 6 PM in the cafeteria. If you cannot attend please see coach Beyel in room 122. 


Seniors:  if you applied to U of MN Twin Cities don’t forget to come and find out about the FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP WORTH $250,000.

Be in the Auditorium tomorrow at 8:40AM right before school begins.


“Hi Pioneers! Do you want to decorate your Yondr pouch to make it look stunning? Then go to Mr. Dahl’s art club WIN where you can do just that! We have paint, stencils, markers, and more! We will host meetings to decorate your pouch today during WIN A.

Hope to see you there!”


If you are interested in trying out for the Boys Golf team this spring, please sign up and attend our interest meeting on Friday, February 7th during WIN B in the LMC. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Goetzke or Coach Schaan. 


Today during HS WIN A, all students in grade 11 should report to the Auditorium for an information session on next year’s elective offerings.

And students in grades 6 and 7 will report to the Auditorium for MS WIN B for their elective information session.   

All students in grades 6-11 are reminded that course selection forms are due by Friday, January 31 and should be turned in at the Guidance & Counseling Center. 

Make sure you have gotten all necessary signatures and that you and a parent have also signed the form.




Hi, Pioneers! This is Junior Peer Minister Lily P here with your Ministry Minute.

Today, I want to talk to you about Union Gospel Mission, an incredible organization dedicated to feeding and sheltering people experiencing homelessness. They don’t just provide meals and a place to stay—they bring hope to people who need it most. By showing compassion and meeting basic needs, Union Gospel Mission helps people feel seen, cared for, and valued.

This kind of work is a beautiful reminder of how we can live out our faith by loving and serving others. Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.

I encourage you to consider supporting Union Gospel Mission or getting involved in similar efforts. You can volunteer or donate items anytime! 

Have a great day pioneers!


Here is the Trivia question today for Catholic Schools

Week. How old is Fr. John Utecht (Our Hill-Murray Chaplain)?

Each day students will be sent a Google Form with a Trivia

question. Answer the question correctly before 10:30 am and your name

will be entered into a pool to win a gift card. Congratulations to yesterday’s


BEN K for high school and ELLA C for middle school.


The Catholic Schools Week Medallion is still out there – remember that it’s not in a classroom or office and there is no need to destroy or damage anything while hunting. If you find it, bring it to the Office of Student Life. Here’s the second clue:  

Second Clue:  

Academics or fieldhouse, which hall could it be? 

The medallion is tricky –  take care, and you will see. 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 27, 2025

If you’re interested in joining the 2025-26 yearbook staff next year please sign up for Mr. Buesing’s WIN A or B on Tuesday.


The course selection process for the 2025-26 academic year is officially underway! Today and tomorrow (Monday, 1/27 and Tuesday, 1/28) teachers will be holding WIN time in the Auditorium to go over elective opportunities for next school year. Please listen carefully to find out which WIN Time and location your grade has been assigned to:

High School

Monday (1/27): (HS) WIN B = 9th/10th Grades (Auditorium)

Tuesday (1/28): (HS) WIN A = 11th Grade (Auditorium)

Middle School

Monday (1/27): (MS) WIN B = 8th Grade (Auditorium) 

Tuesday (1/28): (MS) WIN B = 6th/7th Grades (Auditorium)



If you applied to the U of Minnesota Twin Cities please plan to be in the Auditorium this Wednesday right before school begins for a quick 5 minute meeting.  We will begin at 8:40AM.


“Hi Pioneers! Do you want to decorate your Yondr pouch to make it look stunning? Then go to Mr. Dahl’s art club WIN where you can do just that! We have paint, stencils, markers, and more! We will host meetings to decorate your pouch during January 27, HS WIN B and January 28, WIN A

Hope to see you there!”


The Commons and Cafeteria will be closing at 3 today as we are hosting a Math Meet after school. Please wait near the front entrance after 3pm if you are waiting for a ride. 

Good Luck today Math Team!



Good Morning Pioneers,


Today I hope you all dressed in your Comfy for Christ outfit.

Remember to sign up for BINGO in the Cafeteria during WIN B under Ms. Fandrich’s name! Chipotle and Starbucks gift cards to be won!  

Tomorrow’s dress-up day is Monochrome for Mary: Which means you need to dress all in one color–so a Groutfit or Blue Jeans and a Blue shirt! We will also be having Trivia during WIN A in the Cafeteria! There will be prizes to win, too! 

Wednesday–we have ODD for GOD, so dress in mismatched or crazy patterns!

Don’t forget to pick up your donuts as you head into school that morning!

Thursday’s Dress up is Jersey’s for Jesus: So sport, that sports Jersey! During WIN A –Middle School, don’t forget to sign up for the Volleyball Game, it will be so fun to watch the 8th graders take on those teachers! 

During WIN B—We have our Seniors taking on our teacher, don’t forget to sign up to come watch that game in the Varsity Gym, too! 

Friday’s dress-up day is Holy Spirit Spirit Wear, as we will celebrate Mass together as a Community! 

We will also be hosting a Hygiene Drive for a non-profit called Bridge to Basics! So we will be collecting Large or Travel signed shampoo, All toiletries, diapers, toilet paper, razors, and many other necessary items for people in need. There will be bins by the Senior Pole, The front entrance, and by the Cafeteria outside of Campus Ministry! Let’s fill those bins!! 



You have waited an entire year and it’s finally here – the annual Catholic Schools Week Medallion hunt!  Just a couple quick things – first, the medallion is not hidden in a classroom or in an office.  Secondly, the medallion can be retrieved without causing any damage to life or property, in other words, don’t destroy anything while hunting.  If you find the medallion you can bring it to the Office of Student Life to claim your prize.  The prize is a $20 gift card. 

First Clue: 

The hunt has begun, so let’s have some fun.

Catholic Schools is the week, and it’s the medallion you seek. 

Take care on your search, don’t destroy or besmirch.

This clue too vague? Well I guess that’s a drag!




Welcome to Trivia question of the day for Catholic Schools Week.  Each day students will be sent a Google Form with a Trivia question  Answer the question correctly and your name will be entered into a pool to win a gift card.

Today’s Trivia question is-  In the Bible, how many pieces of silver were paid to Judas for betraying Jesus?

Answer on your Google form by the end of WIN B today to be eligible to win a gift card. Good luck. 



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 24, 2025

Peer Minister Lexi W will lead this prayer

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today, I humbly ask for your grace to extend compassion and understanding towards others. Help me to see beyond their flaws and remember that they, like me, are carrying their own burdens. When I am tempted to judge or criticize, remind me of the forgiveness you have bestowed upon me, and grant me the strength to offer that same grace to those around me. May my words be kind, my actions be merciful, and my heart be open to the needs of those who cross my path. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



If you applied to the U of Minnesota Twin Cities please check your email for a special meeting next Wednesday in the Auditorium at 8:40AM.


“Hi Pioneers! Do you want to decorate your Yondr pouch to make it look stunning? Then go to Mr. Dahl’s art club WIN where you can do just that! We have paint, stencils, markers, and more! We will host meetings to decorate your pouch during January 27, HS WIN B and January 28, WIN A

Hope to see you there!”


Good morning Pioneers,

The course selection process for the 2025-26 academic year begins today with grade-specific presentations during WIN Time today. Please listen carefully to find out which WIN Time and location your grade has been assigned to (note – this was also emailed to you yesterday):

High School

Friday (1/24): (HS) WIN B = 11th grade (Auditorium)

Middle School

Friday (1/24): (MS) WIN A = 6th Grade (Auditorium)



Good Morning Pioneers,

A reminder that we have CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK starting on Monday! We have a fun week planned! The whole week is out of Uniform, with many special activities! 

Monday’s out of Uniform is Comfy for Christ–dress in your PJ, or really anything cozy! We will also be having BINGO in the Cafeteria during WIN B–For all WIN activities Sign up under Ms. Fandrich’s name! 

Tuesday’s dress-up day is Monochrome for Mary: Which means you need to dress all in one color–so a Groutfit or Blue Jeans and a Blue shirt! We will also be having Trivia during WIN A in the Cafeteria!

Wednesday–we have ODD for GOD, so dress in mismatched or crazy patterns!

We will also have donuts available for you as you head into school that morning!

Thursday’s Dress up is Jersey’s for Jesus: So sport, that sports Jersey! During WIN A and Thursday, we will be having an 8th-grade vs. Teachers Volleyball game in the Varsity Gym. All Middle Schools can sign up to watch! During WIN B, we will be having a Seniors vs. Teachers Volleyball Game, and all High Schoolers can sign up to watch! I will be sending out a sign-up to the 8th Graders and the Seniors for the teams today, so talk with your classmates, and let’s form those teams to hopefully beat those teachers!! 

Friday’s dress-up day is Holy Spirit Spirit Wear, as we will celebrate Mass together as a Community! 

We will also have a Medallion Hunt and daily Trivia throughout the week! 

We will also be hosting a Hygiene Drive for a non-profit called Bridge to Basics! So we will be collecting shampoo, toiletries, diapers, toilet paper, and many other necessary items for people in need. There will be bins all around the school starting next week! 

Sounds like a fun week Right!! Remember, if you can’t get out of it, might as well get into it 🙂 Thanks, Pioneers!! 



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 23, 2025

Good Morning Pioneers,

The course selection process for the 2025-26 academic year begins today with grade-specific presentations during WIN Time (Thursday and Friday).  Please listen carefully to find out which WIN Time and location your grade has been assigned to (note – this was also emailed to you yesterday):

High School

Thursday (1/23): (HS) WIN A = 9th grade (Auditorium)

Thursday (1/23): (HS) WIN B = 10th grade (Auditorium)

Friday (1/24): (HS) WIN B = 11th grade (Auditorium)

Middle School

Thursday (1/23): (MS) WIN A = 7th Grade  (Chapel)

Thursday (1/23): (MS) WIN B = 8th Grade (Auditorium)

Friday (1/24): (MS) WIN A = 6th Grade (Auditorium)


“Attention all HOSA members interested in attending State. You MUST attend either WIN A or WIN B TODAY! We will discuss accommodations, meal planning, and begin preparation for our competitive events. Please sign up under Mrs. Lauby’s WIN.”

Congratulations to…

Timothy J, who placed 5th in Dental Terminology

Isabella T, who placed 4th Research Poster and…

Claire M who placed 2nd in Job Seeking Skills. 


Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 22, 2025

“Attention all HOSA members interested in attending State. You MUST attend either WIN A or WIN B tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd. We will discuss accommodations, meal planning, and begin preparation for our competitive events. Please sign up under Mrs. Lauby’s WIN. Also, to all students, there is a HOSA fundraiser at the White Bear Avenue Chipotle tonight from 4-8pm. The club would greatly appreciate your support.” 


Students in grades 6-11, the course selection process for next year begins this week!  

Each grade level will have a meeting during a WIN time on either Thursday or Friday. 

You each have been pinged in Student Support Time for the WIN your grade level has been assigned. 

All students must attend this informational session. At this time, you will also receive the necessary 

paperwork to begin the course selection process.

Here are tomorrow’s (Thursdays) meetings:

WIN A 9th grade in the Auditorium 

MS WIN A 7th grade in the Chapel 

WIN B 10th Grade in the Auditorium 

MS WIN B 8th Grade in the Auditorium 

Thank you! 



Good Morning Pioneers,

NEXT WEEK is CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! This is a fun week where we are able to celebrate our Catholic Identity and be thankful that we are able to attend this amazing School. We have a fun week planned! The whole week is out of Uniform, with many special activities! 

Monday’s out of Uniform is Comfy for Christ–dress in your PJ, or really anything cozy! We will also be having BINGO in the Cafeteria during WIN B–For all WIN activities Sign up under Ms. Fandrich’s name! 

Tuesday’s dress-up day is Monochrome for Mary: Which means you need to dress all in one color–so a Groutfit or Blue Jeans and a Blue shirt! We will also be having Trivia during WIN A in the Cafeteria!

Wednesday–we have ODD for GOD, so dress in mismatched or crazy patterns!

We will also have donuts available for you as you head into school that morning!

Thursday’s Dress up is Jersey’s for Jesus: So sport, that sports Jersey! During WIN A and Thursday, we will be having an 8th-grade vs. Teachers Volleyball game in the Varsity Gym. All Middle Schools can sign up to watch! During WIN B, we will be having a Seniors vs. Teachers Volleyball Game, and all High Schoolers can sign up to watch! I will be sending out a sign-up to the 8th Graders and the Seniors for the teams today, so talk with your classmates, and let’s form those teams to hopefully beat those teachers!! 

Friday’s dress-up day is Holy Spirit Spirit Wear, as we will celebrate Mass together as a Community! 

We will also have a Medallion Hunt and daily Trivia throughout the week! 

We will also be hosting a Hygiene Drive for a non-profit called Bridge to Basics! So we will be collecting shampoo, toiletries, diapers, toilet paper, and many other necessary items for people in need. There will be bins all around the school starting next week! 

Sounds like a fun week Right!! Remember, if you can’t get out of it, might as well get into it 🙂 Thanks, Pioneers!! 




Good morning pioneers! This is Sophia S here with your Wellness Wednesday. As the new semester begins, everyone gets a fresh start, a chance to reset their grades and their classes. I want to challenge you to reset your mindset as well, seeing school as an opportunity to grow rather than a chore. You get out of something what you put into it, so mind as well make the most of your time here. Misery is optional after all, so why choose misery? Choose to embrace school, and make it your own fun experience. Thank you and have a wonderful wednesday.



Hi! I’m Reese C! And I’m Camille S!

We are starting Hill-Murray Service for Life. This organization is dedicated to community service, leadership, and making a positive impact on the world. It’s a great way to get involved, meet new friends, and give back to our school and community.

We are inviting all high school students to attend an informational meeting under Ms. Fandrich’s WIN A tomorrow, January 23, in Campus Ministry. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop leadership skills, participate in meaningful volunteer projects, and be part of a supportive team.

So, if you’re passionate about helping others and making a difference, check out the new HM Service for Life and see how you can get involved!

We hope to see you there!



Hey Pios! It’s Molly here to tell you that episode two of my podcast is up on Spotify! You can find it under the Pio Prayer Podcast. Give it a listen!



Good morning NHS members! Our next group meeting will be this Monday, January 27th. Please sign up for WIN A with Mrs Rodriguez. This is mandatory, meaning that you must attend. See you there!



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack. 

January 17, 2025

Peer Minister Eveny M will be singing this on the announcements for prayer:

Here are the lyrics:

Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia.

Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia.

Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia.

Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia


Prayer: Finn & CJ

Aujourd’hui, je déclare que je marche sur le chemin de ma destinée, sur le chemin que Dieu a prévu pour moi.

Trivia: Nichole Bertini and Larkin Crummy

Salut tout le monde! Today, we have the final Trivia question for French Week. Check the announcements email for the Google Form and your chance to win a fabulous gift card! 

And here is today’s French Trivia question: “What sport is associated with the Tour de France?” Bonne chance! Submit your answer by 2:40 today. Bonne chance!


Attention Baseball Players in Grades 7-12,

The Pre-Season Parent/Player Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 2 (6pm) in the Cafeteria.  This meeting will cover important information regarding the upcoming season and attendance is required.  

Also – Sunday Open Gym is now available  – please be sure to check the 2025 Calendar on the H-M Baseball website for specific times.  If you have any questions, please see Coach Cicalello.



Finally, it is Yondr time! Students, please take out your phones and your open Yondr pouch. Your teachers will ask you to lock it away for the day. Our goal is to be phone free from the start of school until 2:40. It’s always best to have your Yondr locked when it’s empty in your backpack, as that will help keep the locking pin safe. Simply unlock your Yondr on the way into school each day, and after you release it at the end of the day, close and lock your Yondr again before you put in your backpack.