A Great Time to Be a PIONEER!
Dear Hill-Murray Community,
February has turned out to be quite a fantastic celebration of hard work and talent at Hill-Murray! Congratulations to our Girls Alpine Ski Team who claimed the State Championship title earlier this month. Alpine skiing can be an unforgiving sport, and I am so proud of how our girls have shown exceptional mental toughness on the slopes. This past weekend, the Pioneer Girls Hockey Team battled their way in a thrilling double overtime championship game to win the state title, defeating Edina. It was such an impressive show of talent and teamwork. Congratulations to our State Champion Girls Hockey Team – what an amazing victory!
In talking with these student-athletes, and even hearing their comments both at the pepfest and post-game TV interviews, I am reminded of a common theme. These young women are not simply chasing medals and championship banners. Of course we all love a state championship, but what I heard from these girls was a love for their teammates, a love for the commitment it takes to work hard together, to support each other, and to dig deep when the challenge gets hard. Our students learn so much on the slopes, the ice, the stage, and the court – wins and losses come and go, but what endures over time are the relationships, the lessons learned, the ability to overcome defeat, and the unforgettable memories they have when the season ends. Click here to see the students’ famous Sister Linda Cheer! Again, congratulations to our Girls Alpine Ski Team and our Girls Hockey Team!
This week is Middle School Week at Hill-Murray, and I would like to offer my congratulations and a thank you to our Middle School Student Council leaders who worked hard to plan such a fun week. Part of what the student leaders planned is that every morning, a middle school student is on the announcements sharing what he or she loves about being a middle school student at Hill-Murray. On Monday, Brighton, an 8th grader, shared that what she loves about the Hill-Murray middle school is the many opportunities for students to get involved in clubs and sports. She shared her experience of trying a new sport and having a good experience. At the end of her talk, she said, “Whether you know me as a friend, classmate, or some random 8th grader, let this be your sign to pursue your interests and try new things and take advantage of what this amazing school has to offer.” I continue to be impressed by our middle school students and the energy and school spirit they bring every day.
In the same way our students share their gifts and talents as they provide leadership and service to the school, we continually seek qualified individuals to serve on one of our three active boards. The Foundation Board, The Board of Trustees, and The Alumni Board each serve the school in different ways, providing expertise in strategic planning, fundraising, alumni engagement, and big-picture planning that ensures the long-term future of Hill-Murray. These boards do not engage in the school’s day-to-day operations, but rather provide high-level guidance and governance that support Hill-Murray’s annual strategic and fundraising priorities. For more information regarding the available opportunities with the Hill-Murray Board of Trustees, please contact Jenny Lavine, Board Secretary, via e-mail.
Finally, this morning on the announcements, we offered a special prayer for Pope Francis, who has been hospitalized for over a week. Please join me in praying for his healing and recovery.
Melissa Dan, Ed.S.
Hill-Murray School President